Life Coach Deepak Garg teaches Meditation Yoga!

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Yoga and Meditation Classes in Cedar Falls and Waterloo Iowa

Namaskar, Good Day, Guten Tag, Buenas Dias!

Deepak was born and raised in India and has lived in Europe before moving to United States. He has been teaching relaxation, meditation and yoga techniques for many years in North America and Asia. He has held seminars, classes, lectures and retreats at many places.

Let's start of the ripple of love together.

Sept. 19, 2006: University of Buffalo, NY
Notes from His Holiness Dalai Lama speech

(by Deepak Garg)

He mentioned that he grew up in a rural area where there is technological advancement. He feels that he has same connections with other human being around the globe and there is no difference between humans among each other.

The purpose of life is the desire for happiness and living successful life. Everyone wants to live a satisfactory life. The very purpose of the life is to lead and seek happy life. He said, that survival for life is hope. Hope keeps us alive.

The happiness is dependant on our own mental attitude. There are several methods to cultivate mental attitude. There are sensual experiences based on sense organs experiences. Human have given great thinking and strong imagination powers.

Past memories, fears, doubts etc. complicates the mental states. It further leads to depression and worst its when it leads to suicide. It is important to know “What reality is?“

Thought due to others suffering will help us to not narrow on our pain etc. He gave an example of hardship of an athlete. The athlete trains himself and goes through some painful bodily experiences to gain the medals. Physical comfort cannot subdue mental discomfort.

He expressed that the meaning of life for majority of people is relied on material. He stated that if mental satisfaction is not there then material pleasure would be a burden. It is necessary to have compassion.

He gave an example of attachment with closed ones. One would consider this also compassion. This type of compassion is biased and unstable. Once the attachment breaks the same can turned into hatred. It can also lead to self- pity where the person does not have respect for self.

The compassion is not based on recognition from others and feelings those are coming from other. The compassion is the feeling of fulfillment that come from inside. It is our right to become happy person.

He gave an example of children. He mentioned that children play with other children without thinking about their race, color, beliefs etc. Like brothers and sisters enjoy each other’s company. Children show warm-heartedness irrespective of other race and background.

He said that there are two level of compassion:
One is at “Biological Level”. As soon as a child is born, he becomes dependant of his caregiver. Here where seed of compassion starts. This need of dependence extends to dependent on their spouse after marriage, dependent on job, dependent of pride etc.

He said that child knows no religious faith at birth.

He added, that anger can be helpful to destruct mind and fulfillment of temporary desire but it disturbed the peace of mind.

He said, that there is some people reserve in certain nations. He gave an example, when he travels somewhere and passes smiles on the people. Sometimes people pass smiles back but other times he stare at him and wonder why this guy is smiling.

If someone has warm heart, there is not room for exploitation. He gave an example, if someone has good immune system and strong body, germs cannot harm that person. It is same with warm-hearted person, if the person is warm hearted than anger, self- pity, sorrow cannot come close to that person.

He expressed that he feels that the strongest attachment he had was his mother.

Education system does not pay enough stress on warm heartedness. He said, since I have received this honorary degree (which was given to him at the beginning of address), this is my responsibility to suggest to teachers and policy makers to develop methods to create warm heartedness from kindergarten to university.

He also addressed the concern of ecology. He said that we should be careful with our material use from nature.

He said that 20th century was a century of blood-ship and violence. He should learn from the 20th century and make 21st century, a century of peaceful resolution. He stressed to make every effort for center of dialog, non-violence, and warm-heartedness

He said that parents should think about children before too quickly getting divorce.

Finally he concluded if you don’t like what he said than forget it. How to be self-confidence to create warm heartedness?

He was asked a question:
How someone can have compassion when the person has problems.
He suggested that person should widen his perspective. When our mind is limited to our self it narrows down. And our own problems appeared big.

He reflects on a comment from a scientist that use of words like I me, mine has risk of heart attack.

Read the Newspaper's observation on Deepak

Excerpts from the article "Yoga: Not just another trendy fitness phase"

(Created: Sunday, July 23, 2006 9:35 AM EDT) 

Published in The News-Sun in Kendallville, IN, The Evening Star in Auburn, IN and the Herald-Republican in Angola, IN

It’s hard to find a yoga devotee who will stop singing the praises of this 5,000-year-old Eastern discipline long enough to breathe deeply and twist his/her body into the classic vrischika-asana or scorpion pose.

Everyone, it seems — from the very young to the very old — can reap benefits from yoga. Today, it’s not unusual to hear a medical practitioner endorse yoga as a form of healing exercise

The benefits of yoga

According to the American Yoga Association Web site, an estimated 18 million adults take some type of yoga class.

According to Deepak Garg, an engineer in Kendallville who teaches meditation and yoga in his spare time, traditional yoga is not just a form of exercise, but a centuries-old practice of wellness and wholeness that encompasses all aspects of the human mind, body and spirit.

“It is not exercise,” Garg said. “It is a way of life.”

Next month, Garg will begin offering traditional yoga classes in Kendallville and LaGrange. According to Garg, the classes will prepare students for the meditation classes he instructs at area libraries.

Garg’s classes — offered for both adults and children — will begin by focusing on individual limbs and body parts, determining each person’s limitations and learning breathing techniques.

“By learning of limitations, we are able to enhance the capability of the physical being and will slowly be able to practice yoga as a whole,” Gang said.

Garg said he will offer free hasya (laugh) yoga classes for children.

“These classes will teach children to learn, laugh and have fun,” Gang said. “This is my way of serving others.”

Yoga is for everyone

“I’ve really noticed a difference in my flexibility and balance,” Herendeen said. She also has had trouble with poor blood circulation in her legs, but said she does not have as many symptoms since taking up yoga.

July 04th, 2006, article published by Goshen News, Indiana.

Man Focuses on Meditation

By Mark A. Howe
Special Correspondent

Goshen News, Indiana

July 4th, 2006

LAGRANGE, Ind. — Meditation is not merely a way to get to sleep, but it can help improve sleeping habits. While rooted in Hinduism, meditation can lead to deeper spiritual understanding in all faiths. So says Deepak Garg of Kendallville, who will teach seminars in meditation later this month at the LaGrange County Public Library. A native of Jaipur, India, Garg came to the United States from Germany as a communications engineer with a German software company. His employer purchased a Kendallville firm in 2001 and Garg moved there a short time later. While Garg has been practicing meditation most of his life, he’s been conducting seminars on the subject for about a year.

Living life consciously, with specific intent, is the focus of meditation, according to Garg. Meditation begins with training the mind to focus on only one thing for a short period of time, rather than allowing the mind to wander.

"It’s difficult to restrain our minds. They travel faster than anything in the universe," Garg said. "One moment, you could be thinking about something in Goshen, and the next moment you could be thinking about New York City. It doesn’t matter what you focus on. Focus on anything." Staying focused on that single subject is the key.

"Once we have our minds trained and guided, we can more fully concentrate on the things that really matter to ourselves," he said. One of the benefits of meditation is self-discovery, according to Garg. "For example, someone who is learning to meditate may discover ‘I am hard.’ Then they can meditate on ‘why am I hard?’ and discover the inner issues of why they are a hard person."

In April the Ligonier Public Library hosted its second seminar with Garg. Angie Leslie, program coordinator at the library, participated in the most recent sessions.

"It’s more difficult than you think to get your body to relax," Leslie said. "(Meditation is) learning about what your body needs. You learn how to position yourself (physically), how to relax your body and get yourself comfortable."

"I was worried that it would be more yoga oriented, but it wasn’t that way. It works for any age group. Everyone is able to it, but you have to be very open to it working for you," Leslie said.
The seminar is usually taught in three sessions, with the first two focused on learning to relax the body. Garg also likes to find out what the attendees’ expectations are and address them in the first session.  "I try to tailor to individual needs as much as possible in the first session," Garg said. "We’ll really focus on the issues that need to be addressed." Many people want to learn meditation to improve sleeping habits or to learn about themselves, he said. The third session focuses on the application and habit of meditation.

Garg said couples can meditate at the same time, but not necessarily together. "Couples can attend together, but they need to respect each other’s time and minds, and meditate on their own schedules," he said.

Garg recommends that couples with children take turns meditating, so each can more fully concentrate. Meditation is not only for Hindus and Muslims, but for all faiths, he said. Garg said he doesn’t direct anyone toward any specific religion, but encourages spiritual enlightenment. "It doesn’t matter whether your Hindu, Muslim or Christian, all faiths can benefit from meditation," Garg said. "It’s great for any denomination," Leslie added. "Everyone can gain, and no religion is shoved down anyone’s throat."  There is a key to meditation having long-lasting effectiveness, and it is the same key as any self-improvement undertaking.

"Keep practicing," Garg said. "It would be nice to practice everyday. It is beneficial to the physical and mental aspects to practice daily."

Sunday March 12th, 2006" article published by KPC media group.

KPC Media Group, Inc. is the parent company of three daily newspapers: The News-Sun in Kendallville, Indiana, The Evening Star in Auburn, Indiana and the Herald-Republican in Angola, Indiana. KPC also publishes a semi-weekly, The Garrett Clipper in Garrett, Indiana, two weekly newspapers; the Advance-Leader in Ligonier, Indiana and The Butler Bulletin in Butler, Indiana; the Greater Fort Wayne Business Weeklyin Fort Wayne, Indiana; Smart Shopper is a zoned weekly TMC advertiser; and Phone Book publishing in Northeast Indiana.

Please contact KPC Media Group to get a copy of following articles. You may contact Editor - Matt Getts, at KPC Media Group.

Excerpts from the article "Living life consciously"
Local philosopher Deepak Garg says ‘mindfulness’ is a practice that can be learned, and that the pursuit of inner peace can be gained through relaxation and meditation.

(Created: Sunday, March 12, 2006 11:27 AM EST)

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It’s one of life’s biggest challenges, the question of why sorrow, jealousy, greed, anger and fear play such a large part in the lives of mortal man.

Whatever the circumstances, everybody experiences these emotions sooner or later, but it’s easier to conquer an enemy than it is to deal with such internal conflicts, says Deepak Garg, a local truth-seeker who has pondered such questions at great length.

A 30-something professional who is as well-traveled as he is well-read, Garg says he notices the same struggles everywhere, and realizes that the attainment of inner peace is as elusive as the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow unless, of course, it is deliberately pursued.

‘Occupation of mind’

...Books, conversations, experiences and his own careful reflection seemed to support his earlier teaching that the ancient techniques of meditation, or “occupation of mind,” might unlock the door to inner peace...

...“Meditation is not directly linked with physical exercise it’s a mental exercise,” he explains. “Meditation is different thinking. It helps me understand who I am, what I want, what makes me happy.”...

'Meditative training'

...One important concept is that that the wise pay attention to their actions and try to anticipate their results, knowing that each action will perpetuate a reaction the proverbial ripple effect...

...“I feel that with this practice, I get closer with the true consciousness....“it does not make any difference for me whether I am Hindu or Buddhist or Christian or Muslim.”....

...He relayed a recent business trip experience a late-night flight delay, mix-ups with the hotel, the rental car and the company he was visiting, lost luggage and a canceled flight. At another time in his life, he admits, he would have been beyond frustrated. Now, he says, he sees things differently.

“I was concerned with this happening, but it did not bother me as it used to.”...

Living life consciously

“What I notice is that people are generally not aware of meditation. They find it uncomfortable to adopt the technical aspects of (it),” he observes. “There is now a lack of traditional values.”

Prayer in the morning is an example of a “traditional value” that has become part of his own routine, but it’s more about “living life consciously” being more giving and more aware of others’ needs, and thinking more, but not about material things, he explains.

He calls it “mindfulness being in the moment, being aware of your present situation and feelings. That’s consciousness. If you’re ‘unconscious,’ not mindful, you’re unaware.” He explains it by comparing it with someone who listens to a CD or reads an entire page without receiving any impressions from it or remembering it.

“It’s difficult to be conscious,” he admits. “We can be conscious, but conscious in the wrong way. It’s about a person’s perception of truth. But in this material world, our perception of truth changes. As things change, our perception changes. That can effect the ego, and hurt us, but if we’re going for the truth, we can be aware.”

Freedom from fear is one of the by-products of such awareness, he asserts.

“We have a word for it in the Hindu philosophy. It’s ‘dharma’ doing what needs to be done duty. Everybody has to fulfill their duties, which is versus to fulfilling your own desires.”

Desires can also be good, especially when they coincide with duty. Sending children to school is an example, he explained something that is a duty, but something we also want to do for them “because we desire a good future for them that’s good desire.

“The first thing I want to be in human. A human is a person who is aware of his humanity in his body, mind and intellect. The human can act he can choose. It is up to us to decide how to act.”

'Another dimension'

...“I don’t like to waste my time,” he says with a smile. He likes the small-town atmosphere, although he does miss the bustle of a larger city...

'Conquering self'

...Garg is interested in helping learn the art of meditation, even taking his instruction to jails, corporations, high schools, hospitals, assisted living centers and churches.

...“My intention is basically to help people,” he says simply. “I know joy does not come from money. The best we can do is to live life consciously. We should try to (do) the best within our power to help ourselves and others to overcome day to day life problems. We should try to be the person who is charming, adoring. When he is around someone, they feel comfortable, open and energetic.

...“I ask for advise from God (the form God Shiva or Buddha or any other form) and say a prayer in their praise or thank them for the strength they have given to me,” he says. “My greatest devotion would be when I have conquered myself completely.

...“I still have a long way to go! I am trying to learn every day. I still make mistakes, waste my time (that I never like to), ask for advise from God, loose sight, cry ....” At the end, he maintains, you discover that some things are simply more important even more than our own pain and that is to give of ourselves.

...“The most precious thing someone can give to someone is time,” he concludes. “Once this moment gone it is never going to come back. We need to learn to spend our time consciously.

Excerpts from the article "Meditation in practice"
‘During some period of their lifetime, everybody, on some level or other, looks for inner peace.’

(Created: Sunday, March 12, 2006 11:27 AM EST)

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“We meet people everyday, they may have a big smile, seem very happy. But if we really look into them, we will find out that a lot of people have some kind of suffering.”

...That’s the observation of a modern-day philosopher, Deepak Garg, who, for his day job is an engineer; for his life work, he teaches methods of relaxation and meditation.

...“I saw the same disturbance in people that I saw at other places. I visited churches, temples and other religious institutions during my travel in Europe. I also took part in a thought exchange on God creation in Germany, where (they) were all Christians. I noticed again the same that everyone is seeking happiness. People are no different inside as in any other countries.

...“I got the impression that everyone is going for one thing in life, and that is (a) search of happiness and contentment. I was also on the same search.”

...He believes that the hesitation many Americans have to exploring meditation has to do with false perceptions. He explains it simply: “Meditation is a journey to take a look inside.”

...“What I notice is that people are generally not aware of meditation,” Garg observes. “They find it uncomfortable to adopt the technical aspects of (it).” His intention is to make the path smoother for those interested in the practice, and to teach people to learn what he learned.

Relaxation is a prelude

“We meet people everyday, they may have a big smile, seem very happy. But if we really look into them, we will find out that a lot of people have some kind of suffering.”

Deepak Garg, an notes the varying ages and backgrounds of the eight people who attended his meditation workshop at the first of three Kendallville Library, “but each one was there for a reason,” he contends. “They were all seekers. They all want to get rid of the pain and find love. It is (up) to the individual where he finds the path to get rid of the pain. Those people could have gone to a different place and asked for a medicine. Some of them did go to the doctor.”

...The eight at last week’s workshop had varying reasons for attending the workshop: physical ailments, depression, fear, stress and a search for happiness.

...“I’m more and more calm, (I get) better sleep, (I’m) more relaxed, more conscious of my feelings,” he says. “Physical hurt doesn’t bother me, but mental hurt has bothered me. I want to attain a stage that I am detached from these. I want to experience feeling deeply and fully, but detach myself from the pain.

...“The ego hurts more than anything else,” he acknowledges with a smile. “We shouldn’t get in a ‘mental hairball.’ We need to believe in ourselves.

...“Everybody has goals and life motives. My goal was always to help people. That gives me satisfaction. Everybody’s seeking satisfaction and contentment, from their life, their jobs, their family.”

...Learning to meditate is a gradual process, but the benefits are great, he says. “Deep inside we can find who we truly are all the anxiety, the hate, the fear those are on the surface.”

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