What is Meditation?
Meditation is a technique to guide our unconscious thoughts to conscious thoughts. It is a method to create harmony with our feeling and thinking.
People have used meditation for thousands of years in their quest for inner harmony. All the major religions, including Buddhism, Islam, Hinduism and Christianity use it in their teachings to help attain Spiritual enlightenment. Mediation improves concentration, increase self-awareness and enables us to combat stress by helping us to relax and cope. It even helps us to get better with others.
Many people who meditate improve their physical and mental well being, and have been able to conquer depression or addictions to drugs, alcohol etc.
Meditation helps in many ways:
- It helps us to clear our mind.
- It purifies our mind.
- It relaxes the body and brain.
- It helps to unwind after a tiring day.
- It helps to see the things as they are.
- It helps to cope with emotional and physical pain.
- It helps in lowering the blood pressure.
- It reduces anxiety and panic attacks.
- It helps us to develop better relationship with others.
- It leads to true happiness and peace.
Health and work benefits:
Clinical studies into the effects of meditation are encouraging. They have shown reductions in migraines, insomnia, irritable bowel syndrome, premenstrual syndrome, anxiety, and panic attacks, as well as lower levels of stress hormones, lower blood pressure, and improved circulation. They have also shown that mediation can help control pulse and respiratory rates, and increase job satisfaction and work performance. As a result, doctors are now beginning to recognize the therapeutic benefits of mediation and some are already recommending meditations exercises and relaxation techniques to their patients to help treat stress related ailments.